Friday, 5 October 2018

Terry Fox Run on FAF!

1 - Read 20 - 30 minutes everyday - this includes reading to self, reading to others and listening to reading.
2 -We had a great run today!!!! It was our Snowiest run yet. We will continue to collect donations next week. We have already collected over $1200!!!!! WHOA!!!!! Our school goal is $2000.00 - we are very close. 

Keep Bringing your Toonies!!! You can also donate on line at

3- Fun Lunch forms came home today

4 - Picture Day is on Oct. 17th

5 - We will have a quadrilaterals and triangles quiz next week. There will be a review provided early next week. 

6 - No school Monday as it is Thanksgiving. 
Upcoming Math News - 
Our next unit will focus on operations of whole numbers - adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.