1) Tomorrow is Jersey Day and it is Fun Lunch too. Wear your favourite sport jersey (or Dr. Coffin t-shirt). It can be from your own team or a professional team.
2) March 14th - Ski/Snowboard Lesson - 9:00 - 3:00 Please be aware that there will be a $5.00 fee to supplement the cost of the field trip and this fee must be paid in cash. Thank you. Forms and cash due Thursday/tomorrow.
3) Tyler Enfield, the author of Wrush, is coming back to Dr. EW Coffin on Wednesday March 15th. You can now order copies of his books.
4) Just a heads up - All Grade 6s will visit Simon Fraser on March 22nd for our grade 7 Transition Day.
5) Grade 6 Farewell Letter came home today.
6) Our Outdoor School on May 2 - May 5th seems far away but we wanted to give you a reminder about these dates and that you can be paying for this overnight field trip online and in installments over the next few months if you would prefer. There will be an informative parent meeting about 1 month prior to our departure so please watch for information about this in the next month or so.
What did you learn today?
We learned about equivalent ratios and how to convert them into simplest form.
How did you show what you learned?
We did a lesson about both topics and then we practiced.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to learn about ratios in problems.
On march 7 2002 scientists discover that part of
antarcticas Larsen ice Shelf had broke away and sent iceberg’s into, the
Weddell sea. Expert’s have different views about what might havecaused the
collapse of the ice shelf. All there explunations involve a warmin trend in
tempratures in that region. The broken chunks of the ice shelf was a whooping
650 feet thick and 1300 square mile. Thats larger then the state of Rhode