Wednesday, 15 March 2017

March 15, 2017.

1. Please get your Percent Test signed - return ASAP.
2. Ratio Art - due by next Tuesday.
3. The family dance is on April 7th - an information package about it came home last week. Please fill in the order form by March 17th. 
4. Please feel free to share your Reading Comprehension question results with your parents (taken from past Grade 6 PATs).

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We received our Sky Science quiz back today. Some of us did not receive the results we would have liked. 
How did you show what you learned?
We had a conversation about why the test did not go as planned. 1) We realized that with PAT questions, there are things you can't study for. 2) We realized that even though this was a science quiz, it also tested our reading comprehension skills. and 3) We realized that some of us experienced test anxiety and felt that we didn't perform to the best of our ability. 
What do you need to learn next?

We are practicing how to write multiple choice questions. We are reviewing how to think critically about what we read and ask ourselves questions to ensure we understand what we have read.