1. - Festive Evening - Thursday Dec. 8th - **Handbell performers please wear black and white**
2 - Fill A Sock Campaign - please don't forget your items for our bin!!!
3 - Do more research about why the days are longer in the summer and shorter in the winter. You will be presenting your findings to your buddies on Friday Dec. 9th.
4 - Don't forgot to have your Place Value and Multiplication quizzes signed ASAP.
5 - Edit Fun due tomorrow (please see below).
6. Division Quiz on Thursday. We will be reviewing tomorrow.
What did you learn today?
We learned about the reasons for the season.
How did you show what you learned?
We began preparing to teach our Grade 1/2 buddies about this.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to finish and practice our presentations before Friday.
“its two kold
todey, Why is thet” asked a shiverin
chyld. earths axes is tilted so as we
orbit da Sun, the angel of the sunlight hiting are planat change’s thru out the
yaer. In december, people in the northern Hemisphere feal colder because thay
are tilted away form the Sun. at the same tyme, people in the Southern
Hemispere are tilter towerd the sun, makeing it warmer in tat part of the