1. POW - due tomorrow
2. Music quiz tomorrow
3. Math H.W. - some groups
4. Novel recommendations continue tomorrow and Friday
5. Word Work - due tomorrow
6. Spring Family Dance forms returned
What did you learn today?
We learned how to build an open and closed circuit.
How did you show what you learned?
We used a battery and a light bulb to experiment.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to answer some questions about how to build a circuit.
From Chasing Vermeer:
"'I think we've found her." (p. 197)
Weekly Edit:
plants and seeds are unique because of there size. One kind of palm tree in the
seychelles ilands has a huge seed that can weigh more then 60 pounds. found in
california, the tallest tree speces is the coast redwood, which can grow over
375 feet high. The leaves of the gient amazon water lily can grow as large as 8
feet across. Have you ever see Wolffia, the worlds smalest flowering plants, in
a pond lake, or stream. two full-size wolffia could fit inside a letter “o”!