1. ***Please fill out the COP 'Participant Information' form and return no later than Thursday, Feb. 18th (tomorrow). Also please read the trip information parent letter (3 pages)***[additional forms will be going home soon]
2. Health presentation due tomorrow
3. Word Work - Editing - due tomorrow (see below for 2nd paragraph)
4. POW due tomorrow
What did you learn today?
Some of us learned that the first time you get judged in the Science Fair may be 'terrifying', while it gets easier the second time.
How did you show what you learned?
Some of us participated in the Science Fair.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to see who will be going to the city fair.
G woodson, ph.D., was a taecher who studyed and wrote about African american
history. When he saw that the acomplishments of black Americans where often
left out of history books, he started a special week to help educate people In
1976, the week in february became a month long celabration, known today as African
American History Month. In school, have you learned how African american’s such
as Harriet tubman Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa parks changed our werld.