Thursday, 7 March 2019

March 7th, 2019.

1. Math HW - first page (not the back of the first page) only in fraction booklet. Due Monday.
2. SKI AND SNOWBOARD FORMS went home - please fill out and return by Monday, March 11th or earlier.  If you are able to VOLUNTEER (in the Lodge or on snow) please email Mr. P. or Mrs. Saunders and we will get you the volunteer form.
3. FAF tomorrow - please dress appropriately for the weather.
4. If you have any extra baby oil, please bring it to school for our art project tomorrow.
5. SIMON FRASER OPEN HOUSE - tonight at 6:30-8:00 - please bring your parents if you are planning to go to SF next year.

What did you learn today?
The Grade 6s learned what it's 'like' in junior high.  
How did you show what you learned?
The Grade 6s all visited Simon Fraser School today and toured the school.
What do you need to learn next?
If you are planning on attending SF, please go to the OPEN HOUSE this evening.