1. Please get your math quiz signed and returned to school.
2. Social Studies question (Charter of Rs & Fs - #5 in Handout #3). Due Monday.
3. Please read 30min. every day.
3. Please read 30min. every day.
What did you learn today?
We noticed the following about our trees, since we are becoming 'dendrologists': there were curves in the trunk, cracks in the bark, bark was stripped off in some places, a red stain at the base of the trunk, my tree split into 2 trunks, sappy stains, same bark pattern continues until the top, I noticed letters in the bark (K)...
How did you show what you learned?
We chose 'our' trees in Whispering Woods.
What do you need to learn next?
We are wondering: how old my tree is?, will the tree survive until I'm 80?, do the mites on the bark affect humans?, why does my tree have more than one trunk? how tall and wide will my tree grow?, what type of tree is my tree?, is it a 'dicot'?