1. Please get POW signed and returned.
2. ***Please discuss the 'Curricular Self-Assessment' that each of us filled out, and bring it to Parent-Teacher conferences on Thursday or Friday. We will be discussing this together.
3. The Weekly Edit due tomorrow - see below.
4. Thanks to everyone who donated to the Veteran's Food Bank!
5. Science Fair meeting tomorrow.
What did you learn today?
We learned how to 'approach' problem solving in math.
How did you show what you learned?
We went through the POW from last week, step-by-step.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to use the template more carefully next time we solve problems in mathematics.
the first successful launch off a
man-made satellite hapened on october 4 1957, That satallite, launched by the
Soviet Union was named sputnik I. The launch caused a renewd emphesis on the
teaching of science in america. The satellite, which weighed 184 pound took off
from the soviets' Tyuratam launch site. though it was active for just 21 days,
Sputnik I mark the begining of the Space Age and exploration beyond planut