Friday, 2 June 2017


1. ****Grade 6's we have created an account at

You will be able to practice online Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) starting now. Please feel free to work through them at your own pace and let us know if you have any questions. 
You will need the following login information:
Username: ewcoffin
Password: coffin
2.**** To work on your Grade 6 farewell movie, log on to:

1) adobe spark
2) Sign in with google
3) enter the email address:
   password: DrCoffin

First slide needs to be "Guess who"
Include your likes, dislikes, favorites, etc
Make sure you have a slide stating who you are
Last slide needs to be your advice 
Your video can be no more than 30 seconds. 

That's all you need to do!

3. Social homework - Iroquois Confederacy mapping due Monday.
4. Figurative language poetry - due Monday.

Mark your Calendars - 
June 6th - Bike to School Day 
June 6th - Teacher's Pet  will do an in class presentation on the Iroquois Confederacy
June 9th is Sport's Day

June 16th - we have been invited to visit Dr. Strous' lab at the University of Calgary EEEL Building. He is paying for the bus!!! If your parent is a cleared volunteer and would like to join us, let Mrs. Saunders know. 
What did you learn today?
We learned more about the PBRs, and how methane will be produced (carbon neutral biofuel).  See:
How did you show what you learned?
We watched a presentation from one of the U of C student researchers.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to prepare for our field trip to the U of C labs - EEEL Building.