Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Last Day of January, 2017 - Report Cards go home today!!

1.  Report Cards go home today.  Please return signed envelope ASAP please.
2. Edit Phunn! due Thurs.
3. News article plan due Thurs.
4. Quotations sheet due tomorrow.
5. Math:  Grade 5's complete at least #1-4, Gr. 6s - complete all (in your notebook) - due tomorrow:
                  Estimate the answer to these 6 questions:

1) 2.48 +2.99 = 
2) 6.543 – 4.897 = 
3) 4.23 +7.862 = 
4) 23.78 – 0.36 = 

5) 45.87 x 9.078 = 
6) 98.07 ./. 8.763 = 
What did you learn today?
We learned how to estimate with decimals.
How did you show what you learned?
We had a lesson and then practiced - Gr. 5s - adding and subtracting, Gr. 6s - multiplying and dividing.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to determine the exact answers to decimal computation questions.