1. ***Please return all field trip forms for Ralph Klein Park by this Thursday!
2. Edit Phunn! (below) due tomorrow/Wed.
3. Weekly Spelling due Thurs.
4. Science - wax crayon rubbing of your bike/car tire - due Thursday.
5. Math Interpretive Journal - complete left side of 'Types of Lines'.
What did you learn today?
We learned about the responsibilities of citizens.
How did you show what you learned?
We brainstormed and then researched some of these responsibilities.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to know how a citizen contributes to society.
dedicated on
awkctuber 28 1886? the Statue of liberty was a gift of friendship from the
people of france It is located on liberty Eyeland in New york harbor, the
staute stands as a cymbal of fredom. inside the statues base is a plague
engraved with the words, Give me you're tired, your poor, your huddled masses
yearning to breathe free..." More then 120 tons of steal was used to
builed the statue, which were restored for it's 100th burthday celebrashun