1. Fill out and return the Police Interpretive Center field trip forms (trip is on September 27th - we would love some parent volunteers - if you are able to make it, please tell your child and they will relay the message to me).
2. Fill out the 'Parent Viewpoint' and please bring to Parent-Teacher conferences on Thursday and Friday.
3. Edit Phunn! due tomorrow (see below).
4. Practice your multiplication facts to 9x9 (5-10min.).
5. Please be sure to dress appropriately for the weather (recess and lunch).
6. We will be bringing home our sunflower plants - keep in a sunny window - 1 tablespoon of water/day (for now) - www.seedsurvivor.com for more info.
What did you learn today?
We learned about photosynthesis and how important it is to plants and humans.
How did you show what you learned?
We listened to a 'Seed Survivor' presentation and played some interactive games about plants and nutrients.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to learn more about the various cycles which help plants grow.
Edit Phunn!:
it iss now a quiet
national historic site, but central high school in little rock, arkansaw, was'nt
always such a queit place. in 1957, the school first open’d it's doors to black
students. when nine black students (called "The Little Rock Nine) entered
Central High that Septembr, police and U.S Army troops were on hand to ensure
the students saefty. The following may, ernest Green became the first black
person to graduating from Little Rocks central High.