1. A reminder for students in Handbells to bring in their permission forms tomorrow and to prepare to wear green, white, red, or black for their presentation as well as walking boots/shoes on Wednesday.
2. Mrs. Lim/Lee’s math group: 1) Take your math test and go over questions you did not do correctly with parents if enough time. Bring back on Thursday. 2) Do one sheet from your Division package and time yourself. Use the multiplication chart provided only if necessary. (POW is not for homework. Bring it to class tomorrow).
3. Word Work - Editing - due Wed.Highlights
What did you learn today?
We learned about some of the ways First Nations lived off the land.
How did you show what you learned?
We examined several First Nations of the Interior Plains region.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to learn about the First Nations in other regions.