Friday, 29 November 2019

A Sunny & Chilly FAF.

1) Soft Entry is now happening at 8:30. Doors will be open at 8:30am students should come in and settle into their chosen activity.
3) Festive Evening - Dec. 12th
4) Mr. McRae will be coming on Dec. 3rd to drop off and sign copies of the books that students have purchased. There is still time to buy his books.
5) Dec. 4 - Henry Hama and Jace Jax are coming back this morning.
6) Dec. 9 - 13 - will be our Fill A Sock week

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

TP does not stand for 'Toilet Paper'

1) Soft Entry is now happening at 8:30. Doors will be open at 8:30am students should come in and settle into their chosen activity.
2) FAF - now that the snow is on the ground, please come to school with your snow pants, mitts, toques, etc. We will be outside on Friday!
3) Festive Evening - Dec. 12th
4) Mr. McRae will be coming on Dec. 3rd to drop off and sign copies of the books that students have purchased. There is still time to buy his books.
5) Dec. 4 - Henry Hama and Jace Jax are coming back this morning.
6) Dec. 9 - 13 - will be our Fill A Sock week

Ask Me About:

Literacy: Ask me about my idea for my Battle Bunny re-write
Math: Ask me about Experimental Probability.
Social: Ask me about what a stakeholder is. 
Science: Ask me about what is my actual address is or Ask me about what Humidity is? 
Science Fair: Ask me about what I discussed with the "Real Scientists" today. What did they help us understand better?

Friday, 22 November 2019


1)Monday is our Field Trip to the Central Library. 
Our bus will leave around 9-915 on Monday, please make sure you are on time!
Don't forget to pack a litter-less lunch and nothing can need a microwave. Also, bring a water bottle. 
Do not bring any money as we will not have any time to buy anything. 
Thanks to the parent volunteers that are joining us for this trip. 

2) Science Fair - The scientists will join our meeting next Wednesday to discuss your project ideas, hypothesis and variables. 

3) Pajama Day is Nov. 26th

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Sunny Blog.

1) Review your curricular self assessment with your parents. We will be discussing this at parent teacher interviews this week.  Be sure to discuss the math strands and how they look different from previous years. 

2) Friday is a day off for students.

3) Field trip Forms for students and volunteers are due tomorrow!!!! This trip is on Monday. Please go online to pay for the bus fee. 

4) Science Fair - The scientists will join our meeting next Wednesday to discuss your project ideas, hypothesis and variables. 

5) Pajama Day is Nov. 26th 

Ask Me About:
Literacy: Ask me about the types of jobs in the book. Which job would I like? Also, how long or short should our summaries be?

Math: Ask me about the theoretical probability of rolling a 2 on 2-6 sided dice. How about a 7?

Social: Ask me about different perspectives and points of view of the same issue.

Science: Ask me about using the sun as a form of energy. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Bank that Food in the Food Bank.

1 - Math - estimation sheet due tomorrow.  Problem Solving due Monday.
2 - Social Studies - 2nd research booklet due by Monday.
3 - Science Fair  - continue your planning.
4 - Grade 3-6 guitar club is starting on Thursday.
5 - We will have an author visit on Nov. 14 in the morning (9:00-10:30).
6 - Fun lunch is on Thursday Nov. 14.

Ask Me About:
LA: Ask me about capitalization.
Math: Ask me about why estimation is important.
Social: Ask me about the climate in the different regions of Canada. 
Science: Ask me about 'climate'.

Friday, 8 November 2019

Food Bank, Buddies, and Remembrance Day.

Food Bank Collection Continues! 
The 'Souper Can' is the award for the classroom with the most collected items! Who will win the prize this year?

1 - Math Quiz needs to be signed
2 - Social Studies Map needs to be signed
3 - Science Fair meeting is Wednesday at 12:25 
4 - Grade 3-6 guitar club is starting on Thursday next week
5 - Bring in your FOOD BANK items!!!!! We will collect until next Wednesday.
6 - Mark your calendars - we are going on a field trip to the Central Library on Monday Nov. 25 - all day. We will need Volunteers in order to be able to go. Please let your classroom teacher know if you are able to volunteer. or
7 - No School on Monday - Remembrance Day
8 - We will have an author visit on Nov. 14 in the morning
9 - Fun lunch is on Thursday Nov. 14

Ask Me About:
LA: Ask me about ellipses ...
Math: Ask me about What Number Am I puzzles and how I felt during our first math test. 
Social: Ask me about the National and Provincial parks in the different regions of Canada. 
Science: Ask me about my "What a Wonderful Day..." writing and art and science assignment.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Early Blog.

1 - Math Quiz needs to be signed
2 - Social Studies Map needs to be signed
3 - There will be a Place Value quiz on Thursday this week a review sheet will go home tomorrow
4 - Retakes are Thursday
4a) Photo Orders are due tomorrow if you are not getting a retake
5 - Science Fair Information meeting is tomorrow at 12:25 - come and learn about this club if you think you might be interested. 
6 - Grade 3-6 guitar club is starting on Thursday this week
7 - Bring in your FOOD BANK items!!!!!
8 - Mark your calendars - we are going on a field trip to the Central Library on Monday Nov. 25 - all day. We will need Volunteers in order to be able to go. Please let your classroom teacher know if you are able to volunteer. or
9 - Nov. 11th - will be a day off for Remembrance Day
10 - Healthy Hunger form came home last week - Please log in to order your monthly hot lunches
11 - We will have our Remembrance Day Assembly this Friday at 10:45 am all are welcome to attend. 

A Note for Parents: (see this week's Worth Mentioning if you are interested in attending this event)
The principal of Simon Fraser School, Bruce Johnston, has a very special invitation to all parents within the Simon Fraser School and Brentwood School Learning Community including parents from Dr. Coffin School and Captain John Palliser School.  Simon Fraser School is sponsoring the screening of Screenagers on the evening of November 6 beginning at 7:00 pm in the gymnasium at Simon Fraser School.  This screening is a must-see event.  If cell phone use – whether it be through social media, gaming, or other forms of use – is an issue in your household, you do not want to miss this opportunity.