Wednesday, 28 February 2018

February 28th, 2018.

1) Our Learning Celebration is today at 4:30 - 5:30 in the Learning Commons (we have changed it from the original location). We are very excited to share our work with all of you. 

2) Skiing and Snowboarding - If you are bringing  your own equipment, please label all pieces. You may start bringing your equipment on Friday or first thing Monday morning. Please ensure you have made the payment online.

3) Field trip form to the Bella Concert Hall at Mount Royal is coming home today. The field trip is next Tuesday March 6th. These forms are due on Friday please. 

GRADE 6 students - we are going to Simon Fraser from 12:00 - 2:00 on Thursday March 8th. If you ordered Fun Lunch (which is also on this date) you can cancel your order by tomorrow and get all your money back OR you can keep your order and we will keep it in the fridge for you. 

5) Check for Understanding on Percents is this Friday 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned that different ages of children equals different attention spans. 
How did you show what you learned?
We tried to keep their attention by moving, letting them feel the texture of our books and also asking questions as we read. 
What do you need to learn next?

We will get to share our books one more time with our families.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

February 27th, 2018.

Pink Shirt Day tomorrow!!!

1) Our Learning Celebration is tomorrow at 4:30 - 5:30 in the Learning Commons (we have changed it from the original location). Parents are also invited to come at 2 pm if they are unable to make the 4:30 time slot. We are very excited to share our work with all of you. 

2) Skiing and Snowboarding permission form is due tomorrow - if you are bringing  your own equipment, please label all pieces. You may start bringing your equipment on Friday or first thing Monday morning. Please ensure you have made the payment online. 

3) Field trip form to the Bella Concert Hall at Mount Royal is coming home today. The field trip is next Tuesday March 6th. These forms are due on Friday please. 

4) GRADE 6 students - we are going to Simon Fraser from 12:00 - 2:00 on Thursday March 8th. If you ordered Fun Lunch (which is also on this date) you can cancel your order by tomorrow and get all your money back OR you can keep your order and we will keep it in the fridge for you. 

5) Check for Understanding on Percents is this Friday 

Learning Intentions
What did you learn today?
We had our first audience for our Battle Bunny Enhanced books today. 
How did you show what you learned?
We read our books to our little buddies in our Cafe groups. 
What do you need to learn next?

We will get to do our official performance tomorrow for our grade 3/4 school mates and in the afternoon for our parents. 

Monday, 26 February 2018

February 26th, 2018.

1) - check out this site! Especially Grade 6's wanting more practice with writing Multiple Choice test questions.
2) Our Learning Celebration is on Wednesday Feb. 28th (changed from the 21st) - Please give the invitation to your parents - if you can't make it at 4:30, please join us at 2:00 in the gym on Wednesday.
3) Ski/Snowboard permission forms are due by Wednesday Feb. 28th or earlier. 
Our dates are March 5, 7 and 19th        
4) Percentage booklet - page 5 is due tomorrow.
5) Treat Day tomorrow.  Bring a quarter (or two).
What did you learn today?
We learned about the planets in our solar system. 
How did you show what you learned?
We had another visit from our U of C Education students - they taught us about Sky Science + Trees and Forests.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to share what we learned with the other groups.

Friday, 23 February 2018

A Very Sunny FAF!

1) - check out this site! Especially Grade 6's wanting more practice with writing Multiple Choice test questions.
2) Our Learning Celebration is on Wednesday Feb. 28th (changed from the 21st) - Please give the invitation to your parents
3) Ski/Snowboard permission forms are due by Wednesday Feb. 28th or earlier. 
Our dates are March 5, 7 and 19th        
4) Percentage booklet - page 4 is due Monday.
5) Editing (2nd paragraph) - due Monday.
What did you learn today?
We learned that it wasn't that difficult to present a poem to our classmates.
How did you show what you learned?
We participated in a nature poetry slam in Whispering Woods today.
What do you need to learn next?
We would like to try another poetry slam in the future.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

February 22nd, 2018

1) - check out this site! Especially Grade 6's wanting more practice with writing Multiple Choice test questions.
2) Our Learning Celebration is on Wednesday Feb. 28th (changed from the 21st) - Please give the invitation to your parents
3) Ski/Snowboard permission forms are due by Wednesday Feb. 28th or earlier. 
Our dates are March 5, 7 and 19th        
4) Percentage booklet - page 4 is due tomorrow.
5) Editing (2nd paragraph) - due tomorrow. 

What did you learn today?
We learned how to program our robots. 
How did you show what you learned?
We worked on our robot programs to create specific movements.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to test our programs.

carter G woodson, ph.D., was a taecher who studyed and wrote about African american history. When he saw that the acomplishments of black Americans where often left out of history books, he started a special week to help educate people In 1976, the week in february became a month long celabration, known today as African American History Month. In school, have you learned how African american’s such as Harriet tubman Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa parks changed our werld.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

February 21st, 2018.

1) - check out this site! Especially Grade 6's wanting more practice with writing Multiple Choice test questions.
2) Our Learning Celebration is on Wednesday Feb. 28th (changed from the 21st) - Please give the invitation to your parents
3) Ski/Snowboard permission forms are due by Wednesday Feb. 28th or earlier. 
Our dates are March 5, 7 and 19th        
4) Percentage booklet - page 3 is due tomorrow 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned how we will create a simple program for our robot tomorrow.
How did you show what you learned?
We learned how to create a program with Patrick's help, he is our volunteer student teacher. 
What do you need to learn next? 

We will need to finish building and program our robot and test our program. We will be using a program called - Lego Mindstorm NXT (it can be downloaded at home for free at home if you want to try it out before tomorrow.)

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

February 20th, 2018.

1. Reminder from Mrs. Wilkens:  Raz Kids.
2. Weekly Edit due Thursday.
3. Page 2 (back of p. 1) only from your % booklet - due tomorrow.
4. Backwards Day tomorrow.

What did you learn today?
We learned about New France.
How did you show what you learned?
We discussed and read about the first explorers to what is now Canada.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to learn more about the Colony of New France.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

February 14th, 2018.

1. No school tomorrow, Friday, and Monday.  See you next Tuesday.

What did you learn today?
We began to learn about robotics.
How did you show what you learned?
We explored our robotics kits.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to start building and programming our robots.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

February 13th, 2018.

1. Please fill out the WinSport Ski and Snowboard Participant Information Form as soon as possible and return to school.  Permission forms (with dates and information) will be going home in a few weeks.
2. Cards for those participating in Valentine's Day - tomorrow pm.

What did you learn today?
We learned that the First Nations of the past were ingenious in their ways of living off the land.
How did you show what you learned?
We reflected on our mini-projects and held a discussion.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to learn about the first Europeans to come and settle and live among the First Nations of Canada.

Monday, 12 February 2018

February 12th, 2018.

1. Please fill out the WinSport Ski and Snowboard Participant Information Form as soon as possible and return to school.  Permission forms (with dates and information) will be going home in a few weeks.
2. Cards for those participating in Valentine's Day - this Wednesday.

What did you learn today?
We learned how to put on snowshoes today.
How did you show what you learned?
We helped our Gr. 1/2 buddies put their's on and then went out for Winter Walk Day.
What do you need to learn next?
We need try out the snowshoes for ourselves.

Friday, 9 February 2018

A Chilly (But Sunny) FAF!

1. POW due Monday.

What did you learn today?
We learned that the world is a better place when we have peace.
How did you show what you learned?
We watched the opening of the Winter Olympics.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to keep track of how our Canadian athletes (as well as other countries) do over the next 17 days.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

February 7th, 2018.

1. Editing due tomorrow.

What did you learn today?
We learned how to speak to judges during Science Fair.
How did you show what you learned?
Many of us participated in Science Fair and presented our projects today.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to find out who will be going to city's.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

February 6th, 2018.

1. Science Fair tomorrow.  Parents are invited to visit the gym between 9:00-11:00am.
2. Winter Walk Day - tomorrow.  Please dress appropriately for the weather.
3. Social Studies mini-project due Friday.

What did you learn today?
We learned about author Madeleine L'Engle. 
How did you show what you learned?
We researched and wrote a short author biography about her in class.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to continue reading/listening to A Wrinkle in Time.

Monday, 5 February 2018

February 5th, 2018.

1 - Grade 6s - consider practicing your typing each day if you want to type the PAT in May.
2 - School Science Fair is on Wednesday Feb. 7th - viewing in the am and judging in the pm - Families are welcome to come and view the projects in the am only. 
3.  Yoga has begun! - come dressed in your comfy clothes/athletic wear
4 - Fraser Option Forms are due on Tuesday morning – no extensions 
Simon Fraser Open House afternoon – Thursday March 8th
Simon Fraser Parent Open House evening – Thursday March 8th 6:30 pm
5 - Wednesday Feb. 7th is Winter Walk Day
6 - Social Studies is due Wednesday or Thursday.

What did you learn today?
We learned that Mars may be habitable in the future.
How did you show what you learned?
We were in groups with U of C education students who taught us mini-lessons in science.
What do you need to learn next?
We wait for their return at the end of February.

Friday, 2 February 2018

February 2nd, 2018.

1 - Grade 6s - consider practicing your typing each day if you want to type the PAT in May.
2 - School Science Fair is on Wednesday Feb. 7th - viewing in the am and judging in the pm - Families are welcome to come and view the projects in the am only. 
3 - Yoga starts next week - come dressed in your comfy clothes/athletic wear
5 - Fraser Option Forms are due on Tuesday morning – no extensions 
Simon Fraser Open House afternoon – Thursday March 8th
Simon Fraser Parent Open House evening – Thursday March 8th 6:30 pm
6 - Wednesday Feb. 7th is Winter Walk Day
7 - Social Studies is due Wednesday
8 - We have University of Calgary Science Students visiting us Monday afternoon

Note from Patrick (our student teacher):
1) Here is another robot-themed game that provides a VERY good and basic introduction to some basic programming concepts.  
Students will be using loops extensively, so this gives a good visual guide to the basics.

2) In a few weeks we will begin our work with Robotics. To give coding a try, have a look at this:
Remember - don't think 'I can't do this!!!!!' think, 'I need to try again!' or 'I don't get it yet!'
Patrick suggested that You can try Manufactoria too -

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned how to teach a math game to younger students. We also learned how to keep them focused. 
How did you show what you learned?
We played the game Race to 100 and taught them about tally marks to count by 5s. 
What do you need to learn next?

They are learning how to count by 5's and we will look forward to our next chance for buddies. 

Thursday, 1 February 2018

February 1st, 2018.

1. Fraser Option Forms are due on Tuesday morning– no extensions 
Simon Fraser Open House afternoon – Thursday March 8th
Simon Fraser Parent Open House evening – Thursday March 8th 6:30 pm

2.Note from Patrick (our student teacher):
a) Here is another robot-themed game that provides a VERY good and basic introduction to some basic programming concepts.  
Students will be using loops extensively, so this gives a good visual guide to the basics.

b) In a few weeks we will begin our work with Robotics. To give coding a try, have a look at this:
Remember - don't think 'I can't do this!!!!!' think, 'I need to try again!' or 'I don't get it yet!'
Patrick suggested that You can try Manufactoria too -

3. Battle Bunny due tomorrow.
4. Page 3 only - Ratio booklet.  Due tomorrow.
5. FAF tomorrow - please dress appropriately for the weather.

What did you learn today?
The Grade 6s learned about options at Simon Fraser School. 
How did you show what you learned?
We listened to a presentation from the Asst. Principal from SFS.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to bring our OPTION FORMS in by TUESDAY MORNING (next week).